Enrollment and Fees

Covered services for CUIMC students fall into two major sections which are charged separately:

  • The Health and Related Services Fee (HRSF) 
  • The Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan (administered by Aetna Student Health)

The Health and Related Services Fee

There are two levels of the Health and Related Services Fee.  All full-time students & all school of Nursing* students, regardless of HT, PT, or FT status, are charged the full HRSF, which grants access to all services and resources provided by Student Health on Haven.

The reduced HRSF billed to half-time and part-time students will allow students to have limited access to our offerings, including limited access to Medical Services for COVID-related care, Evaluation for Occupational Exposures, and Flu vaccines.  Limited access is also available for the evaluation of urgent mental health needs.

All Students will have full access to our programs and services in Well-Being and Health Promotion, including AIMS, Disability Services, and Sexual Violence Response. The Health and Related Service fee (HRSF) is mandated by the Board of Trustees for:

  • ALL students at CUIMC
  • Students and their dependents** who enroll in the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan. 

The HRSF is an annual plan, though fees are assessed per semester, with a portion of the fee due at the beginning of the fall semester, and the remainder of the fee due at the beginning of the spring semester.

  • Full-time students and those on the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan are required to pay the full Health & Related Services Fee regardless of the physical location of the student.
  • If you switch from full-time to part-time during the spring semester, you will still be assessed the spring portion of the full HRSF fee, and will, of course, be entitled to all services provided by Student Health on Haven. 
  • Nursing Students: Columbia University School of Nursing mandates that all nursing students enroll in the HRSF, regardless of whether they are full-time OR part-time.
  • Half-time, Part-Time, & OPEN program students are required to pay the reduced Health & Related Services Fee regardless of the physical location of the student.  
  • If a half-time or part-time student switches to full-time status in the Spring term, the full HRSF will be assessed. 

2024-2025 Student Health and Related Services Fee (HRSF) Annual Costs

The table below outlines the cost per year for the Health and Related Services Fee (HRSF):

HRSF Annual Policy 2024-2025 Fall Semester 2024 Coverage Period: 08/15/24 - 12/31/24 Spring/Summer Semester 2025 Coverage Period: 01/01/25 - 08/14/25 Summer Semester 2025 Coverage Period: 05/15/25 - 08/14/25
Student only





Spouse or domestic partner*





Child 18-26 years of age**





Half-Time or Part-Time Student***





**Students and their Spouse, Domestic Partner, or Child (18-26 years of age) dependents are required to pay the Health and Related Services Fee in order to enroll in the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan. Dependents under 18 are not required to pay the Health and Related Services Fee.

*** Half-time or Part-time students that enroll on the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan will be required to pay the full Health & Related Service Fee.  

The Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan

Although the insurance premium is charged by semester, enrollment is on an annual basis; students who have enrolled in the fall cannot drop the coverage during the spring semester even if their status switches from full-time to part-time.

2024-2025 Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan Annual Policy Costs

The table below outlines the cost per year for the 2024-2025 Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan.

Columbia University Insurance Plan Annual Policy 2024-2025 Fall Semester  2024 Coverage Period: 08/15/24-12/31/24 Spring/Summer Semester 2025 Coverage Period: 01/01/25-08/14/25 Summer Semester 2025 Coverage Period: 05/15/25-08/14/25 (New Summer Students Only)
Student only





Spouse or domestic partner





One child





Two or more children





  • Fees are additive: For example, annual coverage for a student and spouse on the Columbia University Insurance Plan costs ($4,955 + $1,656) + ($4,955+$1,656)=$13,222 total.
  • Please note that dependents are not automatically enrolled or renewed. Please complete the Dependent Enrollment Application to enroll.

Full-Time Students

  • Enrollment in the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan is automatic for all full-time students. If you have comparable coverage, you may waive.

  • The Fall semester open enrollment period is from August 1 - September 30 each year except for students who first join the university in the spring or summer, who may enroll or waive at that time.

  • Students whose status changes from part-time to full-time during the academic year will be automatically enrolled at that time, but may waive the insurance if they have comparable coverage.

  • The waiver must be completed each insurance year. The insurance year begins August 15 of each year. If you entered in spring or summer, and waived, you must repeat the waiver again for the fall semester.

Half-Time or Part-Time Students

Half-Time or Part-time students may elect to enroll in the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan by completing and submitting the Enrollment Application and emailing it to shsinsurance@cumc.columbia.edu.

Students whose status changes from part-time to full-time during the academic year will be automatically enrolled at that time but may waive the insurance if they have comparable coverage. The waiver must be completed each insurance year. The insurance year begins on August 15 of each year. If you entered in spring or summer and waived, you must repeat the waiver again for the fall semester.

International Students

Columbia University requires ALL international students (regardless of credit status) to enroll in the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan. Navigating the U.S. health care system can be complex, and this will ensure that international students have access to the highest quality of care both on- and off-campus. Please review the Insurance FAQs and contact the Insurance and Adminstration team with any questions.

Dual-Degree Students

For information on health services and insurance enrollment when your program shifts between the CUIMC and Morningside campuses, read about dual-degree students and the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan.

Health Requirement Fee Schedule

An administrative fee of $95 will be charged to students completing any preregistration requirements at the Student Health on Haven, with additional fees charged for each service rendered (immunizations and titers). We do not accept any type of insurance for services except for titers, and full payment is due at the time of service (via cash, check or Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card). The cost of titers may be billed to insurance.

Administrative Fee

Administrative Fee $ 95.00


  • MMR Titer $47.74
  • Measles Titer Only $20.16
  • Mumps Titer Only $23
  • Rubella Titer Only $14.46
  • Varicella Titer $23.47
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer $18
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen $15.33
  • Hepatitis B e Antigen $29.36
  • Hepatitis C Antibody $22.66
  • Hep C RNA $491

  • Hep C Antibody with reflex to RIBA $22

  • QuantiFERON Gold TB test $68.96


  • Covid-19 Moderna (2023-2024 Formula) $130*
  • Hepatitis A $74*
  • Hepatitis B $51*
  • Heplisav-B $138*
  • HPV/Gardasil 9 $298.50*
  • Influenza $0.00
  • Japanese Encephalitis $375*
  • Meningococcal MCV4 $138*
  • Meningococcal Group B $210*
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) $96*
  • Polio (IPV) $43*
  • TB skin test (PPD) $11*
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) $41*
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td) $39*
  • Typhoid IM $142*
  • Typhoid Oral $94*
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) $183*
  • Yellow Fever $216.00*

Prices are subject to change. The influenza vaccine is available to all students and spouses enrolled in Health and Related Services.

* Covered at 100% by Aetna Student Health with no out-of-pocket cost.