Vaccines, or immunizations, offer protection against illnesses that can disrupt your life and affect your health. Student Health provides the immunizations required for the health and safety of CUIMC students. To receive immunizations, schedule an appointment with Medical Services through the Student Health Portal.
Required Immunizations for Enrollment at CUIMC
At CUIMC, Student Health is your primary resource for health issues related to your work in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other healthcare sites during your time at CUIMC. This process begins with the vaccinations required for your registration as a new student. Your required immunizations, health evaluation, and other requirements are then updated annually.
According to New York State law, all full-time and part-time CUIMC students are required to:
- Have documented immunity to measles (rubeola), mumps, and rubella
- Sign the Meningococcal Response Form. This form must be submitted through the Student Health Portal. For more information on the vaccine, visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Meningococcal Vaccination page.
Influenza Vaccine
We offer influenza (also commonly referred to as seasonal "flu") vaccines annually beginning in September, and strongly encourage all students to be vaccinated. Flu vaccines are strongly recommended for all students and required for all clinical students.
- You can visit any of the Student Health on Haven Flu Fair Events to receive your influenza vaccination.
- If you are a clinical student and you do not receive your vaccine from Student Health, please make sure to upload your documentation to the Student Health portal by Monday, December 9, 2024, in order to be considered compliant.
- The vaccine is provided at no cost to students who have paid the health and related services fee (HRSF) as part of their enrollment in a CUIMC graduate program.
Learn How to Upload Your Influenza Vaccination Documentation
Students requesting exemptions for the flu vaccine must submit one of the following exemption forms to Student Health on Haven:
- Request for Influenza Medical Immunization Exemption Form
- Request for Influenza Religious Immunization Exemption Form
COVID-19 Vaccine
For information about the COVID-19 vaccine for CUIMC students, view the COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Students page. Students with questions or concerns about concurrent tuberculosis (TB) testing can view the Interpretation of Tuberculosis Test Results in COVID-19 Vaccinated Persons page.
Make an Appointment
To make an appointment, view our Appointments and Services page for details about scheduling. Visit the Student Health Portal to complete any required forms online prior to your visit.