Columbia LENS Survey
Share your voice and receive a gift card!

The Columbia LENS (Lived Experiences & Needs of Students) Survey launches on Friday, February 9. Regardless of campus affiliation or number of enrolled credits, all Columbia students are invited to participate. Check your Columbia email inbox tomorrow morning for your unique survey invitation from Qualtrics/Isobar (
This is an opportunity for you to let us know how Columbia can support our students. Your participation in this study is voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. No one from Columbia will ever have access to data that is connected to your name or email address.
The survey should take around 25 minutes to complete. Everyone who finishes the survey can choose to receive a $10 gift card and be entered into four weekly drawings to win bigger prizes!
If we do not receive a response, you will receive one or more reminders during the survey period, which ends on March 11. Visit the LENS Survey website for FAQs and other information about the survey.
Thank you in advance—your participation will help inform resources, policies, programming, and services to support a thriving Columbia campus community.
Be well,
Dennis A. Mitchell, DDS, MPH Interim Provost
Executive Vice President, University Life
Melanie Bernitz, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Columbia Health
Marcy Ferdschneider, DO
Assistant Vice President, Student Health on Haven, Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Joseph Defraine Greenwell, EdD
Senior Vice President, Student Affairs, University Life
Claude Ann Mellins, PhD Principal Investigator
Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center