Student Well-Being Collective

Are you a CUIMC student passionate about issues related to health, mental health, and well-being? Join the student-led Collective and work interprofessionally with CUIMC students, faculty, and staff to address multiple dimensions of student well-being at CUIMC!
There are many opportunities for students to engage as community members with the on-going work of the Collective. We welcome participation from all CUIMC community members. Check back frequently for more information, and be sure to subscribe to our Well-Being and Health Promotion Newsletter to stay in the loop. For more ways to get involved, email to be added to our mailing list.
Application Now Open for Fall 2024!
We are currently seeking new members and student leaders for the Student Well-Being Collective! To apply, complete the Student Well-Being Collective Application by October 21, 2024.
What is the Student Well-Being Collective?
The Student Well-Being Collective supports Student Health on Haven's broader Student Health Impact Partnership (SHIP), which utilizes a Collective Impact approach to impact student health and well-being at CUIMC. The Student Well-Being Collective provides tools and training for CUIMC students to build the necessary skills and confidence to lead community change efforts.
Students in the Collective are offered opportunities to work with SHIP to build their capacity to effect multi-level individual, community, and institutional change, fulfill interprofessional education (IPE) requirements for their schools and programs, and collaborate on the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative health promotion initiatives at CUIMC.
Students who are part of the Collective will have opportunties to:
- Work interprofessionally with the Student Health Impact Partnership (SHIP) to champion a shared understanding of well-being at CUIMC.
- Gain tools and techniques to explore key factors that contribute to health and well-being at CUIMC.
- Learn how individual, interpersonal, community, organizational, and environmental influences interact to impact health and well-being.
- Build skills and confidence to strategically approach change efforts and collectively lead systems change.
- Help shift the conversation about student well-being from programmatic solutions to systemic mindsets and practice.